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Path of Exile 2: How to Farm Gold in the Game? - Explanation and Method
The long-awaited sequel to Path of Exile (POE 2) is set to launch in December 2024, and it promises to bring major changes to the beloved ARPG series. The game has been in the works since its announcement in 2019, and with the impending early access release date of June 7, 2024, the hype surrounding POE 2 continues to grow. One of the most significant changes coming in POE 2 is the introduction of Gold, which is poised to become a central currency for many in-game activities. If you’ve played Path of Exile 3.25 or earlier versions of the series, you’ll be familiar with the currency system based on Exalted Orbs, Chaos Orbs, and POE 2 Currency for sale similar items. However, in POE 2, Gold plays a much more integral role in your daily gameplay, replacing traditional forms of currency for a variety of functions.
In this guide, we will explain everything you need to know about Gold in POE 2—how to farm it, what it’s used for, and how it fits into the game’s broader economic system. Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned player, understanding this new currency will be vital for a smooth and rewarding experience in Path of Exile 2.
Overview of Path of Exile 2
Before diving into the specifics of Gold, let’s quickly revisit Path of Exile 2 and how it will differ from the original game. Path of Exile 2 is essentially a continuation of the first game, but it introduces a host of new mechanics and features that will appeal to both veterans and newcomers alike.
Six Act Campaign: POE 2 features a brand-new six-act campaign that takes place 20 years after the events of POE 1. Players will experience a more fleshed-out narrative with new characters, factions, and world-building elements.
Twelve Playable Classes: While POE 1 had seven core classes, POE 2 introduces twelve playable classes, each with its own unique abilities, skill trees, and ascendancy options.
Combat Improvements: POE 2 overhauls combat with an enhanced combat system, including new dodge mechanics and refined attack animations to provide a smoother, more responsive experience.
Graphics Overhaul: The game will feature a comprehensive visual remake with physically-based rendering (PBR), offering vastly improved textures, lighting, and particle effects.
Major Core System Changes: In addition to visual and combat improvements, POE 2 also overhauls systems like itemization, crafting, and introduces a new passive skill tree. These changes aim to further deepen the customization and strategic complexity that Path of Exile is known for.
One of the most notable changes, as we will explore, is the introduction of Gold as a key resource.
Introduction to Gold in Path of Exile 2
In Path of Exile 2, Gold will act as a collectible resource that players can acquire throughout their journey. Unlike the existing currency system in POE 1, which revolves around orb-based trading, Gold in POE 2 will serve as a specialized resource to be used primarily for interactions with NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) and certain in-game activities.
Gold will be dropped by monsters, containers, and specific events in the world of Sanctuary. Unlike the traditional tradeable currencies in POE 1, Gold in POE 2 is non-tradable, meaning you can’t exchange it with other players. Instead, it will be used to purchase items, services, and upgrades from NPC vendors.
Additionally, Gold will also play an essential role in the town-building system, allowing players to hire workers, build structures, and unlock various services in Kingsmarch, a settlement introduced in POE 2.
How to Farm Gold in Path of Exile 2
As Gold becomes a central resource in Path of Exile 2, players will need to learn how to farm it efficiently. While official gameplay is yet to be fully revealed, we can speculate based on available information from the POE 3.25 update and various interviews with the development team.
Here are the most likely ways to farm Gold in Path of Exile 2:
1. Completing Tasks and Challenges
Like many MMORPGs, POE 2 will feature a vast array of tasks and challenges that players can complete for rewards, including Gold. These tasks will likely range from storyline quests to side missions, and they will provide various incentives for players to explore the world and engage with its mechanics.
In particular, completing harder challenges, such as time-limited objectives or high-difficulty dungeons, will likely reward you with greater amounts of Gold. The inclusion of such challenges means that Gold farming will be tied to progression in the game—encouraging you to take on increasingly difficult content as you level up your character.
2. Farming Advanced Maps and Bosses
In the late game, once you’ve advanced through the main story and unlocked more complex content, you’ll be able to farm Advanced Maps and Bosses for Gold drops.
While specific details about farming advanced content in POE 2 remain scarce, it’s likely that the new map system, as well as the revamped boss mechanics, will reward players who successfully complete high-level encounters with larger amounts of Gold. As we’ve seen in POE 1, high-tier bosses and rare monsters are often prime sources of valuable currency and loot, so players can expect similar rewards in POE 2.
3. Taking Advantage of the Town Mining Mechanism
In POE 3.25, the game introduced the town mining mechanic, which allowed players to gather Gold through ore mining in town. Given the expansion of town-building mechanics in POE 2, it is reasonable to assume that this feature will carry over into the sequel.
Players who reach certain milestones in town development will likely gain access to mining or resource-gathering activities that yield Gold. As in POE 3.25, this may involve mining specific ores or resources, which will translate into Gold after a certain number of mining levels.
4. Engaging with Pirates and Ships
One of the most unique features of POE 2 is the pirate system, which involves ships and sea travel. Players can choose to increase the risk of their voyage by deliberately triggering pirate attacks, and if successful in defeating these pirates, they can acquire Gold as part of the loot.
This high-risk, high-reward system could prove lucrative for daring adventurers willing to take on the challenge of defeating pirates and securing their stolen goods.
5. Other Methods of Gold Farming
Beyond the primary methods listed above, players will likely find additional ways to farm Gold as more information about POE 2 becomes available. We recommend keeping an eye on the community-driven resources, such as game guides, Reddit posts, and YouTube tutorials, where players may share tips and tricks for optimizing Gold farming.
Additionally, as POE 2 progresses and new updates are released, new ways of farming Gold may be introduced. Keep an eye out for future expansions that may tweak the economy and open up new avenues for resource farming.
What Are the Uses of Gold in Path of Exile 2?
Gold will serve as a core resource for various aspects of POE 2, including:
NPC Purchases: Gold can be exchanged for valuable items, such as flasks, jewelry, armor, weapons, and other consumables.
Skill Tree Modifications: Players can use Gold to pay certain NPCs in town to respec or remove passive points from their skill tree, offering greater flexibility in adjusting their builds.
Town Construction: In the Kingsmarch settlement, Gold will be essential for hiring workers, building structures, and unlocking additional services that will help in your journey.
Crafting and Enhancements: Gold may be used to pay NPCs for certain crafting services, such as upgrading or enhancing your gear, or even for crafting new items entirely.
In short, Gold will be a vital resource for improving your character, gear, and settlements, making it an essential aspect of your overall progression.
Path of Exile 2 is shaping up to be an exciting and immersive experience, and the introduction of Gold as a central currency adds a new layer of strategy and depth to the game. Whether you’re engaging in town-building, boss farming, or challenging tasks, understanding how to farm and use Gold will be critical to your success in POE 2.
As the early access release approaches, players should familiarize themselves with these farming methods and prepare for the new gameplay dynamics that will define POE 2. Stay tuned for Path of Exile 2 Currency Orbs more updates and tips as the game evolves and more content is revealed!